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Portal benchmark

The website is the heart of a digital presence and an integral part of a functioning marketing strategy. Accordingly, it is important to continuously analyse, develop and optimise the user experience and customer experience with the help of portal benchmarks.

Especially nowadays, when the competitive situation and customer behaviour are constantly changing, and products and services are becoming more and more interchangeable and comparable, high quality or low prices alone are often no longer enough. Instead, the focus is on a positive customer experience along the entire website journey to win new customers and retain existing ones.

Your benefit

Identification of portal and
service vulnerabilities


Protecting market share and competitive advantage


Increase new customer rate and customer lifetime value


Our Approach
Analysis and Evaluation

The first step is to define the benchmark participants.

It is important to include not only relevant competitors in the analysis, but also best-in-class companies from outside the sector. This guarantees the best possible outcome of the benchmark.

Following the definition, a detailed analysis of the website and a comparison to the benchmark participants is carried out.


During the conception, expansion and optimisation potentials are identified and relevant fields of action are determined. Subsequently, the fields of action are prioritised according to influence and realisation timeline. The fields of action cover areas such as:

  • User navigation
  • Order and lead-gen processes
  • Content, functions and services
  • Use of technology

Based on the defined fields of action, hypotheses are set up in the following, which are verified by means of tests to continuously improve and optimise the user and customer experience.

What our customers say

We describe ourselves as one of the leading online providers in our industry. Although we deal intensively with our business daily, DIGITAL FORWARD was able to point out very valuable fields of action through the web portal benchmark and reprioritise topics that were already known to us. This way, we were able to concentrate on optimising the essential building blocks and achieve relevant successes in the onsite conversion rate.


How long does it take to perform a portal benchmark?

The project duration of a web portal benchmark is approximately 2 weeks, depending on the complexity.

What insights does a portal benchmark provide?

In a portal benchmark, the entire user experience and customer experience is examined on a qualitative basis and compared with relevant competitors and best-in-class providers from outside the sector.

This leads to a prioritisation of the most relevant fields of action for your company in various areas, such as

  • User navigation
  • Order and lead-gen processes
  • Content, functions and services
  • Use of technology

How quickly can the results be implemented?

The results of our portal benchmark are wide-ranging. Strategic realignments and objectives are just as relevant a component as very operative, concrete, and pragmatic recommendations for action at the level of individual marketing measures.

Many the recommendations will therefore be implementable in the short term by you or your external supporters. Overarching strategic issues, of course, need a little more time.

How can we assist you?
Let’s talk about your ideas.
We are looking forward to your call or message.
+49 40 6094001-0